Wednesday, September 4, 2013

1:Face Watch - A Cool Watch For Good Causes

Hey Guys,

Welcome back. I am pretty excited to share this review of 1:Face Watch one with you. This company was brought to my attention through my YouTube channel. Someone messaged me and asked if I would do a review of 1:Face Watch. I had never heard of the company, so I did what anyone else would have... I looked it up! Here is what I found.

This is a cool project. And that is exactly what it is, a project. It isn't a watch company necessarily, but a platform that helps raise funding and awareness for some organizations that are trying to make the world a better place. When you purchase a watch from 1: Face Watch money from your purchase goes to a charity of your choice. Each color of the watches goes to a different organization. How cool is that? Here is the breakdown for you.

Each of the different colored watches helps support a different cause. The white watch supports a charity called One Day's Wages and will provide food for 16 children on the horn of Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia). For every five red watches purchased, Keep a Child Alive can provide one month of AIDS treatment.

So naturally, I purchased two. The Hunger watch and the Water watch. I have done some mission work abroad, and have a soft spot for these types of organizations. That isn't to say that I think the others are any less critical to people in need, that is just what I decided to purchase. 

The watches themselves are really cool. They have a nice clean look, soft strap, and are east to read. Overall they are a sweet watch.

Now, I did check other reviews for this watch on YouTube and there were a few comments I want to address here. The main complaint I heard was that you can buy this same watch on Amazon for $4.00 and that this is a scam and rip off. OK. Sure. these are inexpensively made watches from China. So what? How do you think they can sell them for only $40 and give money to charity organizations. If you want something similar, for cheaper than $40, go buy that! But if you would like to wear something cool on your wrist and support a cause that you WANT to support, this is a killer deal.

I hope this was useful, and that you consider checking 1:Face Watch out.
My Video Review is following hot on the heals of this post. 

Until next time,

Brent Garcia 

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